


  • 2 avenue Albert Einstein - F669622 Villeurbanne
  • Tel : 33 (0) 4 72 44 56 00


If you arrive by plane (Lyon-St Exupery airport)

  • take a taxi (about 40 Euros)
  • take the shuttle to the Lyon Part Dieu railway station and then take the tramway (line T1, direction IUT-Feyssine) up to the station "INSA Einstein" (estimated time ~60 min).

If you arrive by train

- from Lyon Part Dieu railway station

  • take the tramway (line T1, direction IUT-Feyssine) up to the station "INSA Einstein" (estimated time ~30 min).

- from Lyon Perrache railway station

  • take the subway (line A, direction Vaulx en Velin - La Soie) up to the station "Charpennes". Then take the tramway (line T1, direction IUT-Feyssine) up to the station "INSA Einstein" (estimated time ~40 min).
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